twofour54 prepares Abu Dhabi youth for heroic burst of creativity | twofour54

twofour54 prepares Abu Dhabi youth for heroic burst of creativity

03 Mar 2014

twofour54 tadreeb prepared the students throughout two-months of workshops led by accredited industry experts to teach expression through drama, scriptwriting, comic drawing and animation.

twofour54 tadreeb, the region’s premier media and entertainment training academy, has taught students from Abu Dhabi schools and New York University skills to display impressions of their personal heroes through art at an upcoming exhibition.

Wafaa Al Awlaqi, Head of Academic Development and Operations at twofour54 tadreeb, said: “Abu Dhabi Music and Arts Foundation’s partnership with twofour54 tadreeb provided the students with targeted workshops to help them express themselves through different media. These students have worked hard, with expert guidance from tadreeb, to bring their ideas to life. We’re very proud and encouraged by what they have achieved.”

twofour54 tadreeb prepared the students throughout two-months of workshops led by accredited industry experts to teach expression through drama, scriptwriting, comic drawing and animation. Throughout the programme, the young men and women discovered new platforms to articulate their voices, think creatively, understand their potential and grow in confidence. The classes were part of a wider “Hero Inside Programme: Abu Dhabi”, part of the Abu Dhabi Festival, presented by Abu Dhabi Music and Arts Foundation (ADMAF) in collaboration with twofour54 tadreeb.

twofour54 tadreeb is raising standards in media and entertainment in the Arab World through world-class training programmes. It offers over 200 full- and part-time courses from a state-of-the-art academy in Abu Dhabi. tadreeb has been a partner of choice for major national institutions, such as Abu Dhabi Education Council, Abu Dhabi Music and Arts Foundation and Abu Dhabi Media Company.

The students’ projects will be displayed at The Space, located in the Rotana Park Building at twofour54, on March 12 between 6pm and 9pm, curated by The Hero Inside Programme Creative Director, Trevor Kweku Blackwood and supported by illustrators Dr Hosni Mojahed, Maryam Al Atouly, and the actor and filmmaker Amel Al Marzooqi. The exhibition will highlight the creative process and projects, while the supervising actors, artists and illustrators share their experiences.

“Abu Dhabi is rapidly becoming a regional hub for comic arts and animation. It is fitting that the Abu Dhabi Festival reflects this pioneering creative spirit and technological acumen in this year’s Education Programme and encourages the next generation to maintain the momentum of excellence and innovation into the future,” said H.E. Hoda Al Khamis-Kanoo, Founder of ADMAF and the Abu Dhabi Festival. “Through the popular creative mediums of drama and the comic arts, our young participants have explored the notion of a hero in the twenty-first century to develop their identity and self-confidence.”

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