Ones to watch: Top 6 SEO trends for 2021 | twofour54

Ones to watch: Top 6 SEO trends for 2021

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Insights provided by our partner agency, Cosmopole, who specialise in performance-driven communications across digital, PR and social media platforms.

Stop focusing on Google and start worrying about your customers

Are you creating your website for your target market, or for good old Google? Organic search has changed drastically in the last few years, and if you want a successful website that brings quality traffic and business leads you should be focused on your potential customer and what they want – not Google!


Here are 6 tips to improve your website’s performance

1. It’s all about page experience now

Make sure your website gives your audience a pleasant experience with fast mobile loading speeds and easy navigation for them to find what they’re looking for, as quickly as possible!

2. Answer popular questions to get in front of your users

Create content to appear in Google (think featured snippets, that give quick answers), You’ll be more likely to encourage a user to click through to your website to get a more extensive answer.

3. Use the clues Google is giving you

Search for the keywords you want to rank well for – and see who is currently performing well – those top performers are what Google wants from your content.

4. Think outside of the box when creating content

Ensure your content is structured in an attention grabbing, easy to digest layout. Use headings, and shorter sentences. Create infographics and unique images (avoid stock images!)

5. Do your research

Often, we create content that we feel people want to see just and we miss the mark. Do your research and find out what user’s want and then craft the content using appropriate keywords and phrases.

6. Market your content

Research industry relevant, trustworthy websites and develop a relationship. Create content that can benefit their users, and ideally bring them back to your website to look at your products and/or services.